What is KYBELLA®?
What is KYBELLA®?
Do you feel self-conscious about your double chin, but don’t want to undergo surgery? As part of our facial injectable services, Tammy Cabrera- Board Certified, Family Nurse Practitioner, Doctor of Nursing Practice at Skin & Sculpt Medical Spa, is pleased to offer KYBELLA®. KYBELLA® is a prescription medicine used in adults to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin (submental fat).
How does KYBELLA® work?
KYBELLA® injections are an effective and FDA approved treatment for patients who have moderate-to-severe fat below the chin, known as submental fat. The KYBELLA® drug is a synthetic version of a bio acid that the body naturally produces. When injected into the area below the chin, KYBELLA® can successfully eliminate fat deposits by rupturing the fat cell membranes permanently. Patients benefit from a simple and non-surgical method to reduce their double-chin appearance and restore their self-confidence.
KYBELLA® is a quick procedure that is performed in the comfort of our office. As with our other facial injectable treatments, there is almost no social downtime associated with KYBELLA®. Depending on your specific needs and goals, repeated injections may be needed for optimal results. Patients start with two injection sessions, typically spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. Further injections may be needed following the initial treatment. Tammy Cabrera DNP, FNP-BC can recommend the best treatment plan for you and ensure you get the results you are hoping for.
Results are represented over the course of treatment; not all treatments are shown. Up to 6 treatments may be administered, spaced no less than 1 month apart. In clinical trials, 59% of people treated with KYBELLA® received all 6 treatments.