Laser hair removal is one of the most popular procedure to permanently reduce hair. The Aerolase LightPod Neo is effective on all skin types. We use it for facial hair, underarms, bikini lines, and many other areas. It is hard to say exactly how many treatments are needed to treat every individual, but generally 6 sessions monthly is the average. Laser hair removal feels like short snaps of warm air. Sensitivity varies with each person. Small areas generally take 15 to 30 minutes to treat, making this procedure quick and relatively painless (we have excellent numbing cream if needed). This technology targets the hair leaving the skin intact and unharmed (Please do not use self-tanner before your laser treatment). Great for all skin types and dark, coarse hair; not ideal for blonde, grey, red, or white hair. Typical pricing per treatment ranges from $75 for lip or lip and chin to $125 for underarms and bikini lines.