Healthy Lifestyle Medical Spa only supports medical-grade skin care products that meet scientific standards and back up claims to treat certain skin care conditions. These products are considered pharmaceuticals, must have scientific support, and have been approved by the FDA for such use.s
Medical-grade skin care products are designed by researchers, scientists, and doctors. Before they can be offered to the public, they must undergo extensive clinical trials. They are only available with a doctor’s prescription. This means that you will only get the skin care product that you actually need, and you will have a medical professional supervising how you administer the product. Healthy Lifestyle Medical Spa offers high end lines like Image Skincare, PCA skincare, ALASTIN with tri-hex technology, and Elta MD to meet our client’s skin care needs.
Having beautiful skin does not just mean you do not have wrinkles. Medical-grade skin care helps you have brighter skin, an even tone, and your skin that tighter. In order to get the effects you desire, you need a product that is strong enough to work beneath the surface of the skin. Regular and consistent use of medical-grade skin care products will thicken your skin, strengthen the outer layers of your skin and, encourage your body to produce more collagen and elastin. The overall effect is that your skin will be more radiant, more youthful, and healthier.
Healthy Lifestyle Med Spa offers a wide variety of medical-grade skin care products. Our team of experienced professionals can help you determine which products are best for your skin type. Our office is located and serves the Knoxville community. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our licensed skin care experts.