When it comes to losing weight, you need to have discipline and nutrition information in order to succeed. Anyone can do it theoretically, but in reality, only so many of us have all the elements necessary to succeed. This is why many alternative weight loss methods exist in order to help the rest of us along. One of these methods, CoolSculpting, is the brand name of one of the newest trends in a weight loss procedure formally known as cryolipolysis.
Cryolipolysis is a procedure that attempts to remove fat by freezing. By targeting localized fat deposits with a temperature of +12.2 to +41 °F, fat cells can be destroyed and the body’s contour can be shaped. In many investigations of the procedure minimal to no adverse side effects have been found, making it relatively safe for the average healthy participant. CoolSculpting treatment has been cleared by the FDA and averages $750-1,500 per treatment at your local anti-aging spa.
In this brief article, we’ll go over some of the reasons why people are choosing CoolSculpting in droves when they visit medical spas. It’s not just an interesting technology, but many people report that it works wonders for them when nothing else would. By learning more about it and how it might help you out someday, you’ll be able to make better-informed decisions for your health and well-being.
It’s Gaining In Popularity
CoolSculpting treatment is relatively new, and not yet on the top of the list of non-surgical procedures. In fact, Botox injection was the number one non-surgical procedure performed in 2018 and has held the top spot on the list of aesthetic procedures performed in the U.S. since 1999. But it continues to become more and more popular as people recognize that its unique properties might be able to help them out.
Part of the large appeal of CoolSculpting treatment is that it’s a non-invasive procedure that has been proven to work. While many alternative weight loss therapies aren’t cleared by the FDA and should be treated with skepticism, that is not the case with CoolSculpting treatment.
You Gain Control Over Fat You Want To Lose
When you’re at the whims of diet and exercise, you don’t have full control over what fat you want to lose (or where). You either lose fat from certain areas or everywhere consistently. With CoolSculpting treatment, you can literally target areas of fat that you’d like to be rid of and eventually see gone. By targeting these areas and having the treatment, you are virtually guaranteed to see a reduction in fat deposits where you want them and sculpt your body.
There Are Minimal Side Effects
In the many studies that have been done on CoolSculpting treatment, minimal to no side effects have been demonstrated. Sometimes you may encounter bruising of the skin, redness, or other temporary issues, but there appears to be relatively little downside to losing fat this way. Any pain that is experienced or lingers afterward can be treated by over-the-counter medication or quickly disappears. If it wasn’t based on science and studied for its miraculous effects, we might consider it magic!
Encourages You To Get Healthy
Sometimes in life, all we need is a little bit of positive encouragement. One of the best things about CoolSculpting treatment is that by helping you lose fat in areas that are cosmetic problems, it makes you feel better about yourself. This in turn may be the exact motivation you need to continue eating healthier, exercising, getting enough sleep, and becoming your best self in all areas of life. This positive feedback loop is not only amazing to see work in other people, but great to have firsthand experience with.
Check With Your Doctor To Get Approved
Although there are minimal risks to CoolSculpting treatment, those interested in experiencing its full effects should still consult with their doctor to make sure they can go through the procedures necessary. It is well known that those with Cold Agglutinin Disease (CAD), Cryoglobulinemia, and Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria (PCH) should not engage in CoolSculpting treatment. Only your doctor will be able to advise you on the best methods to maximize your weight loss and live your overall healthiest life. Stay safe out there!