Five Treatments You Can Find At A Medical Spa

What is a medical spa? For a lot of people, the term may still seem strange and unfamiliar. But in fact, medical spas are becoming more popular as time goes on, and they’re becoming increasingly prevalent in turn, and easier to find. An anti aging medical spa essentially provides nonsurgical medical procedures for aesthetic purposes, while also providing all of the traditional spa services like facials and massages. It’s a great way to get some noninvasive procedures done, while at the same time having a relaxing day at the spa. Where it was once enough to indulge a seaweed wrap or a clay mask, spa patrons today want to get a bit more bang for their money and time, and med spas make that happen.

But if you’re wondering exactly what kinds of noninvasive procedures you can expect from an anti aging medical spa, have no fear. We have them below for you!

1. Botox Injections

Botox injections are of course incredibly popular, so it’s no wonder that you would find them at a med spa. In fact, Botox was the number one non-surgical procedure performed in 2018. It’s been the most popular aesthetic procedure performed in the United States since 1999, and with good reason. Botox is both a treatment and a preventative for wrinkles. While some confuse it for filler, it in fact paralyzes the muscles in the area in which the injection is applied. So if the injection is applied to your forehead, your forehead won’t wrinkle the way it normally would. This makes existing wrinkles less prominent, and ideally, stops new wrinkles from occurring. With that being said, Botox is temporary, and if it’s not right for you, there is no permanent commitment. This is another major benefit of the procedure. It’s an easy injection to receive, and you can have it at the spa and go home without issue.

2. Coolsculpting

If you’re looking for something else entirely out of anti aging medical spas, you may want to consider coolsculpting. The idea behind coolsculpting is that it essentially freezes the problem areas on your body and makes them much less problematic. Coolsculpting freezes fat cells, which breaks them down and ideally takes care of the problem in a way that is much less invasive than, say, liposuction, which surgically gets rid of the fat. Coolsculpting is a simple procedure to have done at an anti aging medical spa, and can help kick off your weight loss efforts in a big way.

3. Chemical Peels

So, what about chemical peels? There are definitely a lot of advantages to seeking out chemical peels at a medical spa. With several different types of peels available, you can target a number of different issues with the procedure. But the idea is, essentially, that the skin experiences a level of abrasion that takes away the damaged layers of skin. This is the best way of getting rid of damaged skin quickly. Though the chemical peel may leave you with some tenderness and soreness in the affected area, it’s still something that you can have done at a medical spa, going home at the end of the day.

4. Laser Hair Removal

Hair removal is either annoying or painful, depending on how you have it done. You either shave every day or every other day, or you go in for a painful waxing every few weeks. Laser hair removal treatments, on the other hand, can be completely permanent, and at the very least will last for a few months if you need a touch up treatment. Laser hair removal essentially destroys the hair follicles in targeted areas, and you can get that done while also enjoying your other spa treatments.

5. Microblading

Microblading has become popular in recent years, and with good reason. Fuller eyebrows are considered to be the height of fashion today. It takes people a long time to perfect them, of course, which makes microblading so appealing. You can have your eyebrows perfected ahead of time, with no issue. Doing this at a medical spa only heightens the convenience.

There is so much to gain from a medical spa; all it takes is giving one a try.

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Skin & Sculpt Medical Spa


Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 10am - 6pm
Wednesday: 9am - 4pm
Thursday: 10am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 1pm

Location Map: 248 North Peters Rd Knoxville, TN 37923
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