Erin’s Recommendations and Top Picks for Skin Care

ErinR black background2 768x1075 1Let’s face it, your skin might not be happy these days. I could go on and on…Let’s just cut to the chase! I think it’s more than likely to say we have all been suffering…Speaking for myself, I AM RESILIENT, regardless of my surroundings and find my tolerance to everyday stressors improving because I strive to be the most HEALTHY me possible. This is my prescription for healthy skin and most importantly a happy, healthy ME!

A.M. Care

  • Skin Medica® Facial Cleanser
  • Apply 1 pump of Skin Medica® TNS Advanced + Serum (I can’t leave home without this product…Growth Factors and over 400 peptides keep my skin in top condition)
  • Slap on the Instant Bright Eye Mask and leave on up to 20 minutes to soothe and hydrate (for max results repeat and leave on overnight). But wait…who doesn’t love a great cup of Joe in the morning? Apply Skin Medica® Instant Bright Eye Cream for a more youthful and brighter eye. One of its specific ingredients is CAFFEINE.
  • My main A.M. care winner is ALASTIN Hydratint tinted SPF…WINNER!

P.M Care

  • I always pre-cleanse with PCA Daily Cleansing Oil to get all the dirt/grim and makeup off… then I use my Skin Medica Cleanser to finish the job.
  • ALWAYS apply 1 pump Skin Medica® TNS Advanced + Serum (A.M. and P.M)
  • Then comes Lytera 2.0 Pigment Correcting Serum-non-hydroquinone and retinol FREE. This if the absolute perfect product in my opinion for all seasons, but especially perfect for summer.
  • Then wet your finger tips and apply Skin Medica®’s HA5 to instantly smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This product locks in moisture and works well with your Botox and Juvederm to promote youthful looking skin.
  • Treat your skin 1 to 2 times a week with a healing/treatment mask from PCA. Pick from your favorite…mine is either hydrating or rejuvenating!

Love your skin!

Erin Roth, LE


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Skin & Sculpt Medical Spa


Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 10am - 6pm
Wednesday: 9am - 4pm
Thursday: 10am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 1pm

Location Map: 248 North Peters Rd Knoxville, TN 37923
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