CoolTone is one of the latest innovations in body contouring. Like CoolSculpting, CoolTone is noninvasive, FDA-cleared, and can target specific areas of your body.
CoolTone, which is also a cellulite-fighting treatment, uses Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) technology to strengthen, tone, and firm the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.
MMS features liquid-cooled applicators and can penetrate through the fat layer and strengthen your muscles, giving you that coveted toned look.
With MMS technology, CoolTone by CoolSculpting can safely and effectively trigger stronger muscle contractions than the natural ones your brain produces, recruiting more muscle fibers.
By selectively delivering intense pulses to your muscle tissues, there’s no surgery or sweat involved.
The CoolTone treatment utilizes special applicators that generate magnetic fields, creating currents when they pass through a conductive material.
Muscles are good conductors are good conductors of these magnetic fields and they respond to the induced contractions . Therefore they can respond to the induced contractions by strengthening its muscle fibers and
improving muscle conditioning. The result is a stronger, firmer, and more toned abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Even those who exercise regularly can not achieve the level of tone that CoolTone can provide. If you’re tired of
consistently working out and not seeing results, CoolTone by CoolSculpting can help.
While it does not remove fat like CoolSculpting, CoolTone is a perfect follow-up procedure to freezing away any unwanted fat. After getting rid of the fat, you can use this body contouring technology to your advantage and
tone your body up!
Keep in mind that one of our most important CoolTone facts is that the procedure can only be performed in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs, while CoolSculpting can freeze fat in more areas.
CoolTone builds muscle, burns fat, and enhances the appearance of the abdomen, as evident in these before and after pictures. As with all body contouring treatments, individual experiences may vary.*
CoolTone utilizes a novel technology known as magnetic muscle stimulation. During treatment, an applicator safely and painlessly penetrates the tissue to induce strong muscle contractions in the underlying muscles. These
strong contractions are known as supramaximal contractions, meaning more than “supra” is ordinarily possible “maximal.” One 30-minute treatment stimulates 20,000 supramaximal contractions in the treatment area. To
perform the equivalent muscle workout manually, a person would have to do 20,000 crunches, 20,000 squats, or 20,000 lunges.
The body requires a lot of energy to build muscle. To facilitate the powerful contractions of a CoolTone treatment, the body initiates lipolysis (fat cell breakdown) of nearby fat cells. These fat cells provide the fuel to build up
new muscle tissue.
CoolTone is FDA cleared to strengthen, tone, and firm the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. With CoolTone, patients can:
- reduce belly fat and sculpt six-pack abs
- reduce fat below the buttocks while adding a subtle lifting effect. In addition to firming the buttocks, this treatment application offers patients a non-surgical alternative to a butt lift.
- Reduce thigh fat and strengthen the muscles of the upper legs for firm, toned thighs.
A study evaluating a muscle-building treatment published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that muscle stimulation can result in an 18% decrease of belly fat. This, in addition to muscle strengthening, led to a
high patient satisfaction rate. “89% of patients were satisfied with the treatment results immediately after the last treatment.” Within three months the “satisfaction increased as all patients reported a certain degree of
satisfaction.” Furthermore, “89% of patients reported that their abdominal appearance improved immediately after the last treatment and this self‐report further increased to 95% at month 3 follow‐up.” The scientists
determined that “Observed waist size reduction and aesthetic improvement appear to be a combination of fat reduction and increased muscle definition of abdominal wall.”
Build muscle, burn fat with CoolTone treatments from Skin & Sculpt Medical Spa. Take the first step toward a toned, trim physique by scheduling a free consultation. Contact Skin & Sculpt online or call (865) 671-3630 today!