Having clear, tight skin is widely seen as a symbol of youth in our society. It only makes sense that many people desire it. Botulinum toxin, which when prepared commercially is known as Botox, was the answer that medical spas were looking for. Botox was discovered accidentally by Jean and Alastair Carruthers in 1987. Since that time, its anti-wrinkle and skin-helping properties have been widely advertised all over the world. While some may be skeptical that Botox is a miracle in a syringe, others swear by it. It’s no wonder that Botox injections were the number one non-surgical procedure performed in 2018 and has held the top spot among aesthetic procedures performed in the U.S. since 1999.
But botox isn’t just for skin. Here are some lesser-known qualities of Botox that contribute to skin wellness qualities.
Improve Your Nose
Many people are not aware that after the age of 40, people’s noses tend to sag and hook (much like other areas of the body). By injecting Botox into the base of the nose, one can get a quasi-nose lift without having to go in for an actual rhinoplasty. Many people report positive results with little pain. While this isn’t a permanent solution to transforming your nose, it’s an increasingly popular option for many.
Keep Skin Clear
Botox is well-known for curbing the skin’s oil production, meaning that it can help reduce acne. It won’t completely treat acne, but superficial injections in problem areas have been shown to be incredibly helpful. While most dermatologists recommend other acne solutions first, it is something to keep in your back pocket the next time you’re at the medi spa.
Get a Temporary Facelift
The primary use for Botox is tightening of the skin and reducing wrinkles. When used in a temporary fashion around the jawline, eyes, or forehead Botox can offer a sort of “temporary facelift.” Many people schedule regular visits to the medi spa to make sure that their face stays youthful.
Tighten the Jowls
As we age, the area around our jawline becomes less defined. With small injections of Botox around the jawline, a more youthful and crisp look can be created. Talk to your local medi spa about this option for you!
Lift Lips For a Fuller Look
Many people are aware that collagen injections can “plump” the lips, but there can also be side effects to this procedure. Instead, many have now opted for tiny Botox injections along the upper lip’s border to puff it out and give the appearance of fuller lips. It’s not only less expensive than Botox, but more subtle as well.
Calm Excessive Sweating
Since Botox is able to reduce signals that are sent to sweat and oil glands, injecting it under the arms or near problem sweating areas can diminish sweating. If you have the condition known as hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating as diagnosed by a doctor), then you may want to look into this procedure next time you’re at the medi spa. Reducing the amount of sweat you produce can have numerous benefits when it comes to your own comfortability.
Do you have more questions about the benefits of Botox? Rely on the medi spa you can trust by visiting Skin & Sculpt Medical Spa today.