Before selecting products for your skincare routine, it is important to determine your skin type. After determining your skin type, you can cater your routine to it.
Normal Skin: Normal skin typically has a regular appearance and is neither too dry nor too oily.
Oily Skin: Oily skin typically produces excess oil and may be more acne prone.
Dry Skin: Dry skin typically produces less oil and can often appear dull, rough, or tight.
Combination Skin: Combination skin includes both dry and oily areas. It is typically more oily around the t-zone and drier around the cheeks.
Sensitive Skin: Sensitive skin is more easily irritated than normal skin. It may react to triggers such as redness, rashes, or other symptoms.
Step 1 – Cleanser
Cleanser is the foundation of your skincare routine. Your cleanser will gently remove built up dirt, oil, and makeup. Choose your cleanser based on your skin type’s needs. For example, use a hydrating cleanser for dry skin and an oil-free cleanser for oily skin.
Step 2 – Toner
Toner is a pallet cleanser for the skin that removes any leftover dirt, oil, or makeup that your cleanser did not remove. It preps your skin to soak up the rest of your skincare routine. It can also be used to exfoliate, hydrate, and balance the complexion of your skin. Toner can be applied to the skin directly to the skin with your hands or swiped on with a cotton pad.
Step 3 – Serum
Serum is a highly concentrated liquid formulated to absorb into the skin quickly. There are several different serums designed to treat several different skin concerns. Vitamin C, anti-aging, and hyaluronic acid are all popular serums to add into your skincare routine.
Step 4 – Eye Cream
Eye cream targets the thin skin underneath your eye. It can reduce puffiness, shrink dark circles, and provide extra hydration. Due to the extremely thin nature of the skin that protects our eyes, this extra hydration is crucial to avoid premature aging. Eye cream also protects and strengthens the elasticity of the skin around your eyes.
Step 5 – Moisturizer
Moisturizer keeps the skin hydrated. It seals the skin and locks in the nutrients from your routine. Regular use of moisturizer helps to protect your skin’s barrier. Moisturizing helps prevents the skin from becoming too dry or too oily. It is important to choose your moisturizer based on your skin’s concerns. For example, thicker formulations work better for dry skin.
Step 6 – SPF
SPF, or sunscreen, is arguably the most important step in your skincare routine. It protects the skin from damaging UV rays that we are exposed to daily. It also protects your skin from skin cancer and helps prevent premature aging. It is important to wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily, even if it is cloudy outside.
Luckily for you, we have everything needed for the perfect skincare routine right here at Skin & Sculpt Knoxville. Give us a call at (865) 671-3630 to start planning your skin goals.