Fat cells serve a purpose. The liver converts sugars into fat to store energy. However, a variety of factors, including genetics, sedentary lifestyle, and hormone imbalances, can lead to an accumulation of fat deposits on the body. Sadly, fat deposits can reduce confidence, lower self-esteem, and adversely affect mood.
Coolsculpting is an FDA-approved procedure that can reduce fat cells. Here are the answers to three frequently asked questions about fat cells and Coolsculpting from a medi spa Knoxville TN:
Is Coolsculpting merely cosmetic?
Fat is not deposited randomly. The location of fat deposits on your body is determined by several factors, including genetics, hormones, and gender. Generally speaking, men tend to have fat deposits around their mid-section, while women tend to have fat deposits around their hips and thighs.
Fat cells serve several purposes:
- Store energy: When you eat, your pancreas creates insulin. Insulin signals the liver to absorb glucose from the blood stream and convert it into glycogen. Glycogen is used to build fat cells when they are not used for energy. Insulin also tells fat cells to absorb fatty acids from the blood stream. As a result, both sugars and fats in the food you eat will go into building fat cells. When the body needs more energy than the glucose in the blood stream can supply, the body will break down fat cells and use them for energy.
- Insulate: Fat cells are located throughout the body but tend to accumulate under your skin near your large muscle groups (subcutaneous fat) and around your internal organs (visceral fat). These fat deposits provide structure and help the body retain heat. However, too much visceral fat has been linked to many health problems, such as heart disease.
- Signal satiety: Fat cells produce a hormone called leptin. When the brain senses leptin, you feel the sensation of being full. Too many fat cells can cause leptin resistance. Leptin resistance occurs when the brain constantly senses leptin from the fat cells and loses its sense of fullness. This leads to overeating because the brain never experiences satiation or fullness.
While fat cells serve many purposes, too many fat cells can pose a significant health risk. As a result, fat reduction procedures, such as Coolsculpting, can assist in an overall plan to improve health.
Is Coolsculpting targeted?
Typical weight loss plans include a healthy diet and exercise. While a weight loss plan can help you to improve your overall health and reduce your overall weight, it may not be effective in reducing specific fat deposits.
Your body is about 60% water, so you will initially lose water weight. After that occurs, your body will consume fat cells. For example, if your weight loss goal includes reducing fat deposits on your thighs, you may find that these deposits remain no matter how many squats and leg lifts you do. This is because exercising a particular area will not necessarily reduce the fat stored in that specific area.
Coolsculpting, on the other hand, is targeted. When Coolsculpting at a medi spa, a pair of paddles is used to target specific fat deposits. These fat deposits are frozen between the paddles, causing the fat cells inside to die. The body naturally eliminates these dead fat cells and the targeted fat deposit is reduced.
Is Coolsculpting non-invasive?
Coolsculpting requires no incisions or invasive probes. This makes the procedure very different from liposuction, in which a probe is inserted under the skin and the subcutaneous fat cells are sucked out of the body.
Rather, the paddles used in Coolsculpting are placed onto the surface of the skin, surrounding the targeted fat deposit. The technical term for Coolsculpting is cryoliposis. This simply means that the paddles are extremely cold and cause the fat cells between the paddles to freeze.
Some people report that Coolsculpting causes pain, aching, bruising, swelling, redness, or skin sensitivity where the paddles were positioned. However, compared to liposuction, the side effects are relatively minor for most customers. Moreover, studies show that fat deposits typically shrink by at least 25% at the treatment site a few weeks after treatment.
Coolsculpting is not merely cosmetic and can help to balance leptin levels and improve self confidence to continue a weight loss program. Moreover, to target specific fat deposits, you should consult a medical spa experienced in Coolsculpting Knoxville TN.